A couple of months ago, I emailed a few people a little physics puzzle. Here's what I sketched and sent out.

The result is that Veritasium (Derek Muller) posed the question in one of his videos. At the time of me writing this, the video has received almost 400,000 views and there are some pretty cross comments. What do you think the answer is?
Did you get it right?
In the problem, would it matter if the wire was stretched out 1/2 ly each direction, or if a 2 ly long wire it was curled up (considering enough storage space, or the exerted gravity of such a long wire)?
1/C Must be correct.
I just noticed 1m gap
none of the above
Based on my high school textbook facts EM field sets up at the speed of light , and due to low and high potential generation the electrons in the bulb moves and loses energy as light.