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Sydney Institute for Astronomy
The University of Sydney

The Hunt for Dark Matter
I was interviewed by Veritasium (Derek Muller) in his recent video on his hunt for dark matter. Check out the video here:

The quantum of cosmos future
A new discussion on the Quantum of Cosmos Future over at Arts Wednesday. Just what will tomorrow bring? Let's use physics to find out!

From the Quantum to the Cosmos
The third episode of my chat on EastSide89.7FM's Arts Wednesday is now available. Listen to it here.

Fine-Tuning and the Multiverse
Whilst I don't completely agree with the title, I've been quoted in a new article on fine-tuning and the multiverse. Read it here.

A Universe Before Ours?
I was interview on Event Horizon about my recent book. It was a fun interview that covered a lot of the universe!

I provided comment on a Sky and Telescope article on a recent discovery of a wake of stars in the Galactic halo due to the gravitational...

The Anthropic Principle: A chat with Fraser Cain
I chatted with Fraser Cain, curator and author of Universe Today, on a range of cosmological topics, including the convertible Anthropic...

How will it end?
What does the future have in store for our universe? Find out on my latest chat are part of Arts Wednesday on EastSide89.7Fm. List here.

Are we alone in the Cosmos?
A new episode of Our Universe has appeared on EastSide89.7Fm, asking the question "Are we alone in the Cosmos?" - Listen here.

The most energetic objects in the universe!
A new episode on Arts Wednesday on EastSide89.7FM talking about the most energetic objects in the universe. Listen here. Image from here.

How Does Our Universe Allow us to be Here?
A new episode on EastSide radio on questions around the fundamental nature of the universe. This series was really fun to record! Listen...

The Dark Side of the Universe
A new episode of my chat about the Universe on Arts Wednesday is now available. You can listen here.

Star Trek Didn’t Invent the Term ‘Warp Drive!
When was the term 'warp drive' first used? I chatted with Chris Farnell about the 1948 short story "The Flight of the Starling" for a...

The Cosmic Revolutionary's Handbook
Great chat this morning with Dr Brian Keating on our recent book.

Beat the Big Bang: A review of our book
We had a recent chat with Physics High about our book, "The Cosmic Revolutionary's Handbook: How to beat the Big Bang". Check out the...
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