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Sydney Institute for Astronomy
The University of Sydney

From the Quantum to the Cosmos
The third episode of my chat on EastSide89.7FM's Arts Wednesday is now available. Listen to it here.

Arts Wednesday - The Quantum of Cosmos Past
The next instalment of The Quantum to the Cosmos recorded as part of EaseSide89.7fm's Arts Wednesday is now available. Today's topic, the...

Arts Wednesday: The Quantum and the Cosmos
For several years, I've been doing an annual recording of a science topic with EastSideFM's Arts Wednesday. This year's new series has...

Fine-Tuning and the Multiverse
Whilst I don't completely agree with the title, I've been quoted in a new article on fine-tuning and the multiverse. Read it here.

Black Hole or Expanding Universe?
In the latest Alas Lewis and Barnes video, Luke and I answer some viewers' questions!

2021 Pollock Memorial Lectureship
A small trumpet blow - I’ve been awarded the 2021 Pollock Memorial Lectureship of the Royal Society of NSW. I’m rather humbled to join...

Was the Universe born from nothing?
A slow start to 2022, with grant writing and other things. But there's a new video on the History of the Universe called "Living in a...

Best Cosmology Books of All Time!
I'm happy to announce that my book with Luke Barnes, "The Cosmic Revolutionary's Handbook: (Or: How to Beat the Big Bang)", made it to...

Viewer Q&A: Life from the oceans?
In this episode of Alas Lewis and Barnes, we tackle some view questions. Keep them coming!

The only thing that isn't moving at the speed of light is light itself!
A repost from 2013! Relativity purists will grumble over some of what is written here, but it address the key point. You are always...

A Universe Before Ours?
I was interview on Event Horizon about my recent book. It was a fun interview that covered a lot of the universe!

Where Did Dark Matter And Dark Energy Come From?
A new video from the History of the Universe, exploring some of the deepest questions of the cosmos.

Cannibal Stars
What happens when a star gets hungry? Could it eat another star? Cosmic cannibalism is a thing. 500 million years ago in a galaxy far,...

The Big Misconception about Electricity
A couple of months ago, I emailed a few people a little physics puzzle. Here's what I sketched and sent out. The result is that...

Dark Matter Clumps
The end of semester is upon us, and so time is being squeezed. But Luke and I managed to record a couple of Alas Lewis and Barnes videos....

Why is the Universe Perfect?
A new project creating YouTube videos with The History of the Universe. The first topic was the question of fine-tuning.

"Readers curious about cosmology...
... will find this a good place to start.” A new review of my new book in Publishers Weekly. You can read the full review here.

Publication Day! Where did the universe come from?
An exciting day as new book is published in the US. "Where did the universe come from? And other cosmic questions" the the result of an...

SpeakEasy: What happened in the Big Bang?
I'm trying something new. I've joined up with SpeakEasy to present a new way to bring the wonders of cosmology to a larger audience. The...

Baryon Acoustic Oscillations
In the latest episode of ShirtLoads of Science, Dr Karl and discuss Baryon Acoustic Oscillations. If you don't know what they are, then...
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